Brandy DeBartolo
REALTOR® and Owner
Phone 250 558 8839
Attitude is everything – and attitude is what makes Brandy De Bartolo’s real estate clients return to her every time they want to buy or sell a home in the Vernon and surrounding North Okanagan area.
Brandy is a go getter, has the same outlook on real estate. She not only gets results for her clients, she works hard to turn buying or selling a house into a pleasant process. In her opinion, buying a house should be fun and selling a house should be a time of looking forward to life's next adventure. A true “people person,” Brandy’s favourite part of being a REALTOR® is the opportunity to become acquainted with so many interesting people and help them realize their goals. She respects the fact that this isn’t like any other purchase – unless you’re an investor, your home is where you live and raise your family.
Before leaving the corporate world to enter real estate sales, Brandy ended her banking career as a Small Business Financial Advisor, that helped her refine her skills in customer service, marketing, time management, dispute resolution, and problem solving. But the confines and restrictions of a job didn't fit with her ambition and drive. Brandy prefers being able to rely on herself and her own efforts. She also prefers the privilege to give her clients the service she thinks they deserve. She went on to establish a successful construction company in the North Okanagan and this allowed her to be involved in the process of building a home from the ground up, work with clients one on one helping them turn their dreams into reality and set the stage for her successful career in Real Estate as she still uses these skills on a daily basis. If you have a question about home construction, she will have an answer.